Sep 20, 2013
posted by: Jolie

Handstand… #itspotchallenge

Ever since I was little, I loved doing handstands! I would kick myself up into a handstand and hold my balance for as long as I could! I love how children don’t think twice when attempting a handstand for the first time, but as an adult, it can seem scary! We are further away from the ground, and we also tend to be more cautious. I am here to tell you that handstands are easier than they look! As long as you are focused, have a little upper body strength (be sure that you can do at least 3 push-ups), and an open space to practice in, you can safely attempt a handstand. The process of trying will also make you stronger, and it is a fun way to get some exercise.

Take the handstand challenge today! You can do it! Like anything impressive, this requires commitment and practice. Just think, how cool would it be to take your next Instagram or Facebook pic of you in a handstand?! When you do, post your pics with #itspotchallenge.

That’s me doing a handstand in the sand… and another in the snow!
Handstands are Fun for All Seasons!

Cool right?!

Get the kids involved too! They always like a good challenge, and also tend to be a little more resilient. I inspired this cutie to start practicing handstands, and I couldn’t be more proud of her!
Kids Can Handstand Too!

Follow my tips below and get the cameras ready!

Step by Step Handstand Instructions

1. Start with your arms up and one leg placed in front of you. Your weight should be on your back leg.
2. With controlled momentum, bring your hands to the ground, and let your back leg lift up as high as it can go.
3. Once your hands are firmly placed on the ground, use your front leg to kick your body up into the air.
4. Bring your legs together and balance!

Here are a few other tips: Find a focal point on the ground right above and in the middle your hands. DO NOT look anywhere else! Keep your hands firmly planted and spread your fingers wide. Point your toes. When you kick up, draw in from your navel! Remember to breath!

In the beginning, you will fall out of it quickly. The challenge will be to build the strength in your wrists and hands, distribute your weight evenly, and find your core balance. The more you practice, the stronger you will become, and the better your balance will be! Other ways to practice are up against a wall, or in pool. Half the fun is getting there!

Happy Hand standing! See you on #itspotchallenge! Who’s with me?

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