Aug 21, 2013
posted by: Jackie

Brand-a-Book …

Book Labels

Back-to-school means it’s time to hit those books… may she like it or not! Does your little bookworm devour every page or wait until the last minute to get started on that report (that used to be me)? Either way, we have a wonderful way to get her nose in a book in no time: customizable book labels. Simply print, personalize, and stick (if printing on label paper) or glue to the inside cover of her paperback. She’ll be turning those pages faster than you can say A+! Here are some fun bookmarks to boot!

My daughter just turned 3 and although reading isn’t a requirement yet, she loves to brand all of her books (with scribbles of course)! These are great for any age. Bonus, she’ll get lost in her books and her books won’t get lost, they are labeled with her name after all. Enjoy!

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